Wayfinding for seamless office navigation

Help employees find teammates, desks, conference rooms, and equipment with a Visual Directory® that provides real-time wayfinding and easier ways to navigate workspaces from any device.

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OfficeSpace is trusted by more than 1650+ companies across the globe.

Navigate floor plans with wayfinding tools

Navigate floor plans with wayfinding tools

Toggle between office locations, zoom into floor plans, and click on desks to see who’s seated where.

Find equipment & amenities

Reserve workspaces and meeting rooms directly from the platform whether you’re on-site or on the go, then get in-app wayfinding to navigate to your reserved spot.

Find equipment and amenities


Integrated out of the box

OfficeSpace comes fully integrated with Microsoft, Google, Slack, and Zoom.
Simplify the tech stack and keep work moving.


See it in action

Take a self-guided tour to see how you can use digital wayfinding to locate teammates, equipment, and more from a digital floor plan on mobile.


Ready to transform your office experience?

OfficeSpace helps companies save costs, sustain teams, and optimize spaces with fast implementation of an intuitive platform and 24/7 live support.

35 Day

AICPA Certified

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Real talk from real users.

Read what other clients have to say on G2—the world's most trusted software marketplace.

G2 workplace management software leader Winter 2025


Questions? We're here to help.

Browse wayfinding FAQs. Don't see what you're looking for? Contact us.

Wayfinding, an integral part of facility management and space planning, plays a key role in enhancing visitor and employee experience, improving facility management efficiency, and strengthening the overall utility of commercial real estate spaces.

Get more out of your space, and connect the people in it

See how to leverage rich insights and intuitive tools to plan spaces, coordinate in-office days, manage desks and rooms, and optimize real estate—in a single platform for hybrid work.