Real stories from our clients
Learn how top companies worldwide are transforming their workplaces and achieving business success with OfficeSpace.
We once thought our campus would need to be completely renovated by the start of this year, but now we're confident we won't have to begin construction for years. We'll have the data and historical trends to reevaluate utilization between now and then.
Quantum Health
Quantum Health saves $13.5M in renovations with OfficeSpace
How Quantum Health used data-driven insights from OfficeSpace to prevent a costly renovation and improve the employee experience.
In cost prevention
Hours saved on office moves
All case studies
Centra Credit Union Case Study
How Centra Credit Union streamlined facility requests across multiple locations
Fortune 100 Company Case Study
How OfficeSpace saved this Fortune 100 company over $200,000 and reduced seat planning time by 75%
Syneos Health Case Study
How Syneos Health is safely managing key locations during the pandemic
Rapid7 Case Study
How Rapid7 seamlessly relocated 600 employees in two days with OfficeSpace
Harry’s Case Study
How Harry’s streamlined employee onboarding, simplified moves, and saved hundreds of hours in the process