Real stories from our clients

Learn how top companies worldwide are transforming their workplaces and achieving business success with OfficeSpace.

Siriusxm case study
Without OfficeSpace, it would be ten times as long to get the results we’re looking for.

SiriusXM’s journey to a data-driven hybrid workplace

How SiriusXM saves money, simplifies workplace management, and improves employee experience—all from one platform

All case studies

Siriusxm case study

SiriusXM’s journey to a data-driven hybrid workplace

How SiriusXM saves money, simplifies workplace management, and improves employee experience—all from one platform

Earthjustice client story

How Earthjustice leveled up their facility management with OfficeSpace

How Earthjustice used data to drive their reopening and manage their locations efficiently

Pacificsource client story

PacificSource Client Story

How the PacificSource facilities team implemented a hybrid strategy from the ground up

HUB international client story

How HUB International boosts employee experience through real estate optimization

Learn how HUB’s transition to hybrid enhances office culture while reducing real estate expenses.

Logicmonitor case study

LogicMonitor Client Story

How LogicMonitor stays nimble in the face of rapidly changing space needs

Peloton case study

How Peloton embraces workplace data insights to make financial decisions

How Peloton leverages workplace data to make informed financial decisions