Zoom meeting calendar integrations made simple

By Nick Mason

5 mins read

Person in a plaid shirt on a video call, with an open book nearby on a wooden desk using zoom integration

Zoom meeting calendar integrations make it easier to manage collaborative work—assuming everyone on your team has ready access to them. 

Providing a seamless working environment should be the goal of every organization. Companies should be meeting employees ‘where they are’ and on the software they’re already using. The right software integrations and add-ons can make all aspects of navigating the office simpler. This can also lead to increased productivity and employee experience

That’s why facility managers (FMs) should carefully choose meeting room booking software that allows for calendar and contact integration. 

In this article, we explore Zoom meeting calendar integrations. We review how Zoom calendar integrations can configure a more efficient office. 

Does Zoom have calendar integration?

Yes, Zoom does have calendar integration, which is one of the many reasons for its post-pandemic ubiquity. 

When this integration is coupled with the Zoom Rooms feature, where audio conferencing, wireless screen sharing, and video conference are also integrated, the result is an employee-friendly system that is quickly becoming a necessity for the new hybrid office

zoom calendar

Why are Zoom meeting calendar integrations necessary? 

Zoom meeting calendar integration is the first step to a better system for managing hybrid teams and meetings. 

There’s no doubt that our current office technology made the pandemic much easier to manage than if it had happened even a decade ago, with Zoom leading the charge. 

With the sudden pivot to working from home, the majority of workers also started working with Zoom. Whether it was to collaborate with co-workers or attend webinars, video conferencing and Zoom access has been essential through the pandemic, whether through the Zoom app or Zoom desktop client.

Zoom and the hybrid workplace

Now, with Zoom accounts already in hand, these workers are slowly returning to the office, often in a hybrid capacity or through another form of flexible working

As such, we’re seeing an uptick in room bookings—especially since, as a recent OfficeSpace survey confirms, what many employees missed most while working from home was in-person collaboration. 

That same survey found that hybrid work, and more flexible work in general, is also on the rise. This means that even as workers ‘return to the office,’ they’re often not doing so full-time. 

That also means that room bookings have to be easy to make in real time and from anywhere. Also, it has to be easy to add Zoom meetings to them. Room bookings also need to integrate with the employee calendar service. This way, everyone can keep track of scheduled meetings at a glance. 

Sometimes employees book meetings on the fly, which requires a robust Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS). Of course, it’s even better when people book Zoom meetings in advance, on whatever mobile app (iOS or Android) or software your team is already using. This can include Zoom, Slack, or your calendar. 

In either case, these integrations make making, keeping, and executing all types of meetings much easier. 

calendar integration

How do I integrate my calendar with Zoom?

It’s always important for FMs to choose software that is intuitive and user-friendly. 

Thankfully, Zoom makes calendar integrations simple. 

For example, with a simple app in Zoom, OfficeSpace users can execute a wide variety of tasks, including wayfinding, submitting requests, and booking desks and rooms.  

From there, the Visual Directory®, which integrates with your calendar, makes it simple for employees to add a Zoom meeting when booking a room.

Of course managing effective hybrid meetings can still be challenging. At least employees can use these simple integrations to jump in with a simple ‘join’ button. 

Moreover, Google Calendar, Office 365, and Outlook also let you book and keep track of upcoming meetings. Just link up your Microsoft or Google account, and you’re good to go. 

Ultimately, Zoom has made it easy to integrate different calendars. This is essential for keeping track of all relevant meeting settings, meeting details, and calendar events. 

That’s why FMs looking to make room bookings easier should focus on finding a complete IWMS that simplifies room bookings (and more aspects of using the office). One that also integrates with Zoom and other key systems that employees are already using.

room booking integration

More room booking integrations for a better office

Zoom works best for hybrid companies when it integrates with space management software.

For example, Visual Directory can link up with the Zoom web portal. This lets employees add a Zoom ‘join’ link anytime they book a room. 

Visual Directory also integrates with many other calendars, directories, single sign-on (SSO) technology, and third-party integrations. Since it has a robust API and webhooks, it can be customized to match demands. As a result, it can help keep teams more connected and productive. 

For example, Visual Directory integrates with both Slack and Microsoft Teams, so that employees can use these integral systems to also quickly find, book and check into desks and rooms—including Zoom meetings. 

It also integrates with Google Calendar and Office 365, again making it easy to book meetings through an existing calendar. 

Zoom meeting calendar integration is not enough

Yes, Zoom is critical for productive meetings and fostering collaboration. This is especially true when workers are spread out, working from both home and the office on differing schedules. 

But Zoom meeting calendar integration alone is not enough. 

Ideally, Zoom will be integrated into an all-in-one-platform that handles all aspects of using the office.

When all aspects of using the office are housed on one real-time app—including desk and room bookings, Zoom meetings, move management, request management, wayfinding, health and safety, corporate real estate management, and beyond— it’s much easier for everyone to focus on their actual tasks at hand.  

Moreover, when this data is housed in one platform, it makes it easier for FMs to track invaluable data and analytics. They can then use these data and analytics to to make better informed decisions for the office.

Use Zoom meeting calendar integration to reopen with confidence

Zoom meetings have been critical during the pandemic, and we can expect them to remain so as the nature of work continues to change. 

Our return to the office survey found that employees are overwhelmingly concerned with having a safe working environment, and that a large percentage are also demanding some form of hybrid work. 

That means that for the foreseeable future, companies must accommodate at-home workers and continue to make online collaboration easy and accessible. Going forward, as offices reopen, they will continue to need both Zoom and Zoom meeting calendar integrations, along with more tools that simplify office use.  

OfficeSpace can help make all meetings easier for everyone in your organization. Reach out for a free demo. 

Photos: Dylan Ferreira, Eric Rothermel, TheStandingDesk, THE 9TH Coworking