Why Software for Tracking Workspace Is Great for Your Bottom Line

By David Spence

2 mins read


4 Ways Space Tracking Software Saves You Money

1. It Predicts Space Shortages Before They Occur

One of the biggest advantages of space tracking is being able to keep an eye on the occupancy rates of your facility (or facilities). Armed with this information, you can plan ahead and avoid the problem of too many employees working in a too-small space. After all, having employees work in conference rooms is not an ideal situation for anyone involved. With software that produces charts and graphs showing exactly how much space is being taken up, you can stop the problems of staff expansion before they become a major headache.

2. It Prevents Logistical Headaches

Moving is a complex process that involves many moving parts and several different parties, any one of whom could forget about their part in the move if it’s scheduled way in advance. If HR, facilities, IT and the move team aren’t on the same page, the new space won’t be ready, which could cause delays in productivity for the relocated employee. So when a software tracking program is designed to prevent this problem by reminding everyone involved with the move about the tasks required of them, the cost-savings are considerable. In other words, good space tracking software does more than just track space.

3. It Saves Time for Employees

Walking around a building simply looking for things may not sound like a huge problem. But over time, the productivity loss can add up. With software that allows employees to look up whatever they need, there’s no time or money lost on needlessly wandering around the building. When they have something telling them exactly where they can find a printer on the sixteenth floor or a conference room that can accommodate 12, wayfinding is easier than ever.

4. It Makes Facilities Management Easier

For facilities mangers, software for tracking workspace can also save time and money. Instead of having to walk each floor and manually track who’s sitting where, they can use the software to easily drag and drop people from the old location to the new one. What previously took hours now only takes just a few minutes, meaning FMs will have the time to do other, less tedious things.

All four of these traits define OfficeSpace Software, which was designed to save companies time and money. We’ve deliberately made our software intuitive and simple so that there’s no learning curve involved. Plus, we offer software as a service so that you can use the product as long as you need it, and not one second more—though many of our customers love it so much they make it a permanent part of their everyday routines. Click on the button below for a demo and see what our software can do.


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