Strategic Outsourcing & Disaster Recovery: Insights From Workplace Unplugged

By Darin Herle

2 mins read

Interior of a modern building with a glass ceiling and curved balconies featuring yellow lighting.

We find some of the best information and practical advice by having conversations with real people in our industry. We recently spoke with Ingrid Fenn on strategic outsourcing, and Paul Sullivan for planning for disaster recovery. See what they had to share!

Building a Global Real Estate & FM Strategy

We sit with Ingrid Fenn, co-founder of SIREAS. She is a global real estate strategist and portfolio platform builder. She helps her clients develop strategies to manage their real estate and facilities most effectively. She shares her insights on FM outsourcing strategy, centralization and scale.

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Ingrid Fenn: If an organization is sourcing in silo, they’re really only using the economies of scale within their own portfolio, or even less than that, doing it on a localized level and then they’re not taking advantage of any economies of scale at all... Continue to full interview.

Disaster Recovery for FMs

Do you have a disaster recovery and business continuity plan for your workplace? We drill down with expert Paul Sullivan from Agility Recovery to help you cover your bases in the event that your facility is compromised. Check out his 10 step plan!

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Paul Sullivan: The area that nobody seems to address when you get into business continuity is understanding what are your critical processes, what are your critical staff needs, where are they going to operate from? And on top of that, how are they going to communicate? Continue to full interview.

Photo: Kaboompics