Have you ever sent an urgent email to a co-worker and wondered why they didn’t respond immediately? It’s probably because your co-worker received 500 other “urgent” emails that day, and your message has fallen into that all-too-familiar email black hole. It’s not that surprising really, as this antiquated office communication system has steadily been replaced by more reliable and adaptable processes and technologies. So, while “electronic mail” may have been a staple of day-to-day operations once upon a time, it certainly doesn’t wear the crown anymore.
These days, successful businesses are gravitating towards segmented communication channels, where different technologies and software are used for different operational tasks. For instance, apps like Slack are popular for quick in-office communications, while an intranet system can help you better collaborate with a wider team.
When it comes to facilities management, streamlined work order systems are a must for ensuring an office always runs smoothly, as this type of user-friendly software allows employees to quickly and easily notify a facility manager when something is broken or requires maintenance. This ensures that important messages never fall through the cracks again.
The problem with email

Don’t get us wrong: email is great for some processes and in some areas of business, it can be a very successful tool. However, in this day and age, it bears a number of limitations that make it a poor choice for business communication.
On top of email’s penchant for losing information, it is also time consuming and therefore inefficient in fast-paced offices. Anyone who has used email as the primary source of communication within an office knows how frustrating it is to begin the day with an inbox full of emails. Which emails are important and which can be left unopened for a few hours? Which ones should be prioritized and replied to first? You might be typing out a reply to an email discussing Friday lunch plans while ignoring an important email alerting you to the fact the accounting team is without any working lights. Not only can it be stressful sifting through your email, but it is also a waste of time.
On another note, email also lacks security. While email is fine to use for less important tasks, it is not the best option to exchange secure information like credit card numbers or client mailing addresses. Email cannot easily be recalled, so incorrectly addressing an email can result in a huge problem for the company. In this way, office communications need to be reserved for more specified and intuitive channels.
The power of a streamlined work order system

A streamlined work order system offers FMs a huge advantage when processing maintenance requests. Not only will it direct all maintenance requests to one tool, but the system will capture everything a maintenance team needs to action a request—meaning you don’t have to waste time chasing down more information about an incident’s location or scope.
A well-designed work order system will even alert an FM once the task is complete, and allow them to create reports to track team performance.
Now, a work order system like this is a game changer, but the possibilities are even greater if it offers other features that negate the need for email. Software that also has a visual directory, a resource tracker and space management tools can make managing work orders and maintenance requests even easier. For instance, if a work order is received for the projector in a conference room, you can view who’s been using the room, how long the projector has been there and forecast when it may be time to replace it with more up-to-date hardware. In this way, you will never again need to send out those annoying company-wide emails letting the team know that they can’t use the conference room today.
Of course, email still has a place in the modern office environment. However, advancements in technology have reduced its importance, and offices that still rely on it for all their internal communications are wasting valuable company time. To ensure your company operates as efficiently as possible, it’s time to invest in more innovative and intuitive software that can simultaneously boost productivity while eliminating elaborate and frustrating email threads. If time is money, then a streamlined tool like Request Manager is a fantastic way to boost your bottom line.
If you’re looking to eliminate the numbers of emails you receive, give our Request Manager a try today!
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