Office Management 101 for Companies Without Facility Managers

By David Spence

2 mins read

Person with laptop and tan leather bag, sitting on a bench in a modern setting.
large open office with long table

Facility managers have a diverse set of tasks that cover everything from physical repairs to financial analysis. They can also handle workplace emergencies and streamline office workflow, but it’s not always possible to have a dedicated FM on the team. Companies without facility managers can ensure an efficient workplace by keeping the following considerations in mind.

Prepare and prioritize

The role of a facility manager covers many responsibilities, including the following:

Offices that lack a facility manager are especially vulnerable to chaos in the workplace if they don’t establish clear sets of priorities for these duties. Large facilities often prioritize by urgency and communicate to stakeholders how long it will take to fill a request accordingly. Set up processes that link to these priorities so when issues arise, your team can work quickly and consistently. Consider everything from contractor schedules to call-in emergencies to preventative maintenance. On a higher level, establishing a strategic facility plan can help keep goals and timelines in order.

Delegate tasks

The key to managing your space rests in delegating correctly. After you’ve prioritized tasks, you can start assigning duties to your team members.

Schedule a facility-specific meeting to discuss who has the time and skills to handle additional responsibilities; this is also the time to make sure key issues like safety and maintenance aren’t overlooked.

By building accountability into your business processes, you can ensure that your team will complete their duties. Giving your team task-related performance goals or tracking how they use their time creates a clear picture of your team’s progress on these tasks and insight into who might have the availability to take on more work, if necessary.

Set up your tools

worker using a laptop

Facility managers usually employ tools and software for space management, requests, building automation and many other parts of their jobs.

These tools help you reduce the risks of human error, gather useful data and keep your facility organized.

When choosing the right tools, make sure they match your policies—a room-request system will be of little use if your workplace doesn’t have rules on how and when people can book rooms, for example. Make sure to train multiple employees on using these systems; you’ll save time on addressing questions and issues down the road.

Cultivate contractor relationships

It’s easy to take for granted all the work that underpins a productive and satisfied workplace. Facility managers work with a host of tools and teams to achieve this balance. In the absence of a dedicated manager, companies will need to equip a well-coordinated team with effective software and policies to keep their workplaces running smoothly.

Photos: Startup Stock Photos, Rob Pongsajapan, Startup Stock Photos, Nuno Silva