Create a safer workplace with OfficeSpace’s newest features

By David Spence

3 mins read

Office floor plan with highlighted areas indicating distancing measures, including desks and common spaces.

Here’s a quick look at the new features and enhancements in OfficeSpace, designed to support your office re-opening plans.

If you have any questions about leveraging these new features to support your re-opening strategy, don’t hesitate to book a call with our team.

Create distanced seating plans in seconds

Distancing Planner simplifies the challenge of physical distancing in the workplace. This new feature uses AI technology to generate distanced seating plans that make the best use of your reduced seating capacity.

With Distancing Planner, you can:

  • Create safe, distanced seating plans in seconds
  • Visualize the physical distance around each seat
  • Manage seating availability in “shifts”

Distancing Planner works for both assigned seats and bookable desks. Schedule a free demo to see Distancing Planner in action.

Distancing Planner

Manage seating availability in groups or “shifts”

If you’ll be allowing employees to use their assigned seating when they return to the office, you won’t be able to bring everyone back at the same time.

Instead, you’ll need to bring employees back in smaller groups or “shifts” to ensure that they remain socially distanced while they’re sitting at their assigned desks.

OfficeSpace can now help you with this strategy by helping you generate shift-based seating plans.

Using OfficeSpace, you can:

  • Generate distanced shift-based seating plans in one click
  • Quickly and easily edit seat shifts
  • Deactivate any seats you want to make unavailable
  • Color seats by shift in Visual Directory® to communicate seating assignments to your employees in real-time 

Visual Directory

Limit surface sharing with touchless check-in

OfficeSpace now supports touchless check-in for rooms and desks. 

Encourage employees to check in to their room and desk reservations using a personal mobile device and limit surface sharing in your facility.

Floor plan with mobile

Quickly reorganize teams and departments

Need to find more space in your portfolio? Stack Plans can help you quickly reorganize department allocations across floors and buildings in your portfolio and consolidate unused space. 

What is block and stack planning? Block and stack planning technology refers to a set of digital tools that encompasses all of the software, web applications, and other tools that are core parts of an operation. Stack Plans help workplace managers improve space utilization with block and stack technology, which allows FMs to quickly reorganize departments and teams to create better seating configurations in minutes.

Stack Plans makes it easy to do things like:

  • Visualize your occupancy across floors and buildings
  • See how teams are distributed throughout your portfolio
  • Find and make better use of unused space

Stack Plan

Find and book meeting rooms via Slack

You can now use Room Booking Essentials inside Slack with the OfficeSpace Slack integration.

Just type /find_rooms to:

  • Quickly find and book rooms closest to you
  • Schedule, edit, and cancel your bookings 
  • Find and add meeting attendees

With Room Booking Essentials, your people can find, book, and check in to rooms using any device, Slack, or the OfficeSpace mobile app.

Want to see any of these features in action? Schedule a personalized demo with our team.